EATON Keskakusüsteemid

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Emergency Lighting – Central Power Systems

Supply and test systems from Eaton ensure a safe and dependable energy supply, in addition to monitoring the connected exit sign luminaires and escape luminaires.

EATON offers a wide range of emergency exit and safety luminaires. With their CEWA GUARD and STAR technology available as standard they offer the basis for minimized inspection and maintenance costs. Innovative lighting technology combined with highly efficient LEDs ensure up to 70% less power consumption and significantly lower maintenance costs with a service life up to 50,000 hours.

The high performance VisionGuard and CGVision visualization software controls and monitors even large-scale safety lighting systems with maximum reliability. Up to 500 individual emergency lighting systems with over one million light points can be kept in view on a monitor in the control room. With larger buildings in particular such as airports, universities, museums, sports centres and industrial facilities, the software is the ideal partner for optimal and therefore also economical operation of the complete safety lighting.

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